新关注 > 信息聚合 > NASA发现一颗小行星将从地球近距掠过 比月球近21倍

NASA发现一颗小行星将从地球近距掠过 比月球近21倍

NASA discovered an asteroid passing close from Earth than the moon nearly 21 times

2016-02-06 05:19:29来源: 环球网

【环球科技综合报道】据英国《每日邮报》2月3日报道,美国国家航空和航天局(NASA)两年前观测到一颗直径约百英尺(30米)的小行星,命名为2013 TX68。科学家们预测这颗行星将在3月5日到达近地点,距离约为11000英里(17000千米),这比月球距离地球近了约21倍。 但是美国...

[Global Technology Roundup] According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on February 3, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Two years ago, observed a diameter of about one hundred feet (30 meters) asteroid named 2013 TX68. Scientists predict that the planet will reach perigee at March 5, a distance of about 11,000 miles (17,000 kilometers), which is closer than the moon from Earth about 21 times. But the United States ...