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中国教育代表团访日 认为:中国教育应以邻为鉴

Chinese education delegation to visit Japan said: China should Neighbor to education

2016-02-05 13:43:08来源: 中国新闻网

根据教育部与日本文部科学省教育交流计划,从2002年开始,教育部每年组派百名中国中小学教师代表团访问日本,同年邀请25名日本中小学教师代表团访华,其旨在加深了解两国教育概况,促进两国教育工作者的友好交流。 2016年1月18日至24日,来自全国9省市自治区的近百名教师组成的2015年...

According to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education and educational exchange program, started in 2002, the Ministry of Education each year group sent hundreds of Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools the delegation's visit to Japan, the same year invited 25 teachers in primary and secondary schools the Japanese delegation's visit to China, which aims to deepen understanding two education profiles, to promote friendly exchanges between the two educators. January 18, 2016 to 24, nearly a hundred teachers from nine provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions composed in 2015 ...