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2015 China Table Tennis Super League finals settled in Chongqing

2015-08-06 20:26:13来源: 中国新闻网

中新网重庆8月6日电 (韩璐 陈思)记者6日从重庆体育局获悉,重庆将于今年9月11日至13日承办2015年中国乒乓球俱乐部超级联赛总决赛(以下简称“乒超总决赛”)。 始于2014年的乒超总决赛是...

Beijing Chongqing on August 6 report (Hanlu Chen) reporter from the 6th Chongqing Sports Bureau was informed that, Chongqing will be on September 11 to 13, hosted by 2015 China Table Tennis Super League finals (hereinafter referred to as the "Table Tennis Super finals"). In 2014 the table tennis super finals is...