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实力出众 苹果iPhone 6长春仅4650元!

Superior strength Apple iPhone 6 Changchun only 4650 yuan!

2015-07-30 19:20:37来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线长春行情)苹果 iPhone 6是一款搭载4.7英寸显示屏幕的苹果手机,靓丽的外观吸引了更多注意力,经典的设计一直倍受宠爱。目前,小编了解到该机正在商家“长春吉动数码”处有现货有售,报价...

(Zhongguancun Online Changchun quotes) Apple iPhone 6 is a powered by 4.7 inches display screen of the Apple phone, beautiful appearance, attracted more attention, the design of the classic has been Beishou favor. At present, the machine is a small number of the machine is being "Changchun," the Department has the spot to sell, offer...

标签: 苹果