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AR公司Magic Leap融资7.94亿美元 阿里巴巴领投

AR Magic Leap company financing $ 794 million investment led Alibaba

2016-02-03 07:57:27来源: TechWeb

凤凰科技讯 北京时间2月2日消息,据《华尔街日报》报道称,知名AR(增强现实)创业公司Magic Leap已经融资7.94亿美元,资金来自科技、金融、娱乐公司。阿里巴巴是本轮融资的主要出资人,交易对...

Phoenix FRANCISCO, February 2, according to "The Wall Street Journal" reported that the famous AR (Augmented Reality) startups Magic Leap has raised $ 794 million, funds from the technology, finance, entertainment company. Alibaba is the main investor in this round of financing, transaction ...