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联发科即将发布量产版Helio X20 定位次旗舰

The upcoming release of the production version of the X20 Helio flagship flagship

2016-03-08 14:07:28来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 日关于联发科新款十核心处理器Helio X20的首发机型备受关注,多则消息纷纷表示Helio X20首发机型为乐视超级手机2代,也有消息称是新款魅族手机。现在,联发科宣布将于3月16日在深圳发布量产版Helio X20处理器,届时或将公布首发机型。 Hel...

[Yesky news channel news, about MediaTek new ten core processor Helio X20 starting model concern, multiple messages have said starting Helio X20 models for music as a super phone 2 generation, said the new Meizu phone. Now, the Helio announced that it will release the production version of the X20 processor in Shenzhen in March 16th, will be released or will be released starting models. Hel...