新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新西兰无人机设计大赛多名华人参与 奥克兰大学脱..

新西兰无人机设计大赛多名华人参与 奥克兰大学脱..

New Zealand UAV Design Competition over Chinese participation in the University of Auckland off ..

2015-07-28 15:06:31来源: 人民网

图片来自中华新闻网 人民网北京7月28日电 据中华新闻网消息,近日由新西兰奥克兰大学的教授、学生和校友组成的无人机设计团队,在C-Prize无人驾驶飞机设计研究大赛的开幕竞赛中脱颖而出,击败数支参赛队伍获得晋级。 本届C-Prize无人机设计研究大赛由新西兰先进技术研究院,卡拉翰...

UAV design team images from China News People Beijing July 28, according to China News Network news recently by a professor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, students and alumni of the C-Prize drone Design Contest opening of the contest stand out, the number of participating teams to beat the cut. This C-Prize UAV Design Competition by the New Zealand Institute of Advanced Technology, Callahan ...