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恒大胜利背后血汗直流 赛后官方微博为曾诚祈祷

Hengda behind victory sweat DC match official micro-blog as Zeng Cheng prayer

2015-03-05 15:04:02来源: 中国新闻网

本报讯 恒大客场3:2战胜曾经淘汰自己的西悉尼流浪者成功复仇,国安主场1:0力克K联赛亚军水原三星,中超冠亚军在亚冠小组赛第二轮的比赛中扭转了鲁能、富力接连失利的颓势,再次为国人带来好消息。不过,这...

the Hengda 3:2 win at once out of their West Sydney Rangers successful revenge, Guoan home court's 1:0 K League runner up in the championship to reverse the Samsung Bluewings, Luneng, decimating the successive defeat the decline in AFC Champions League group stage second round competition once again, bring good news to the Chinese people. However, this...