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巴萨今夏头号引援曝光! 6000万欧砸意甲最火神锋

Barca's top summer signings exposure! 60 million Euro to drop most Serie A Vulcan Feng

2016-01-29 09:31:28来源: 网易

网易体育1月29日报道: 在冬季转会期,巴萨基本无缘诺里托,这意味着穆尼尔和桑德罗暂时不会离开。但在今年夏天,巴萨仍然会着力追求一名新前锋。据《每日体育报》报道称,迪巴拉成了巴萨头号引援目标。 ...

NEW YORK, January 29 reports: In the winter transfer period, basically no chance Norrito Barcelona, ​​which means that Munir and Sandro not going to leave. But this summer, Barcelona will still focus on the pursuit of a new striker. According to "Daily Sports Daily" reported that Di Bala Barcelona became the number one target signings. ...