新关注 > 信息聚合 > 搞笑!女球迷示爱波波维奇 人生目标是被波帅无视

搞笑!女球迷示爱波波维奇 人生目标是被波帅无视

Funny! Female fans affection Popovich goal in life is being ignored Popovich

2016-01-31 10:50:40来源: 网易

网易体育1月31日报道: 北京时间1月31日,圣安东尼奥马刺客场挑战克里夫兰骑士。 众所周知,波波维奇一直是NBA最具个性的教练之一,他的很多特性都是球迷讨论的焦点。 在今天比赛的现场,就有一...

NEW YORK, January 31 reports: Beijing January 31, the San Antonio Spurs games assassin challenge Cleveland. As we all know, coach Gregg Popovich has been one of the NBA's most personal, the focus of many of his fans are the characteristics discussed. In today's match live, there is a ...