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竞争力更强了 媒体试众泰大迈X5七座版

More competitive media try the Taidamai X5 version seven

2016-03-21 22:06:37来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 成都 资讯] 从2015年4月份发布到9月份上市,众泰大迈X5算得上横空出世。在很多人还不认识这款全新的“手写LOGO”时,它已经在上市后的短短的几个月内,月销量已经突破了一万台。我...

Chengdu [XCAR information from the 2015 April release to September listing, the Taidamai X5 was born. In many people do not know this new hand written LOGO, it has been in a few months after the listing, the monthly sales have exceeded ten thousand units. I...