新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华泰:如何看楼市泡沫? 居民部门继续加杠杆可行..

华泰:如何看楼市泡沫? 居民部门继续加杠杆可行..

Thailand: how to look at the property market bubble? The household sector continued to add leverage feasible ..

2016-03-15 23:00:56来源: 搜狐

华泰宏观深度专题如何看待中国房地产价格的泡沫?——居民部门继续加杠杆的路可行吗? 华泰宏观 华泰宏观研究(张晶 王宇鹏 朱洵 侯劲羽 宋雪涛) 投资要点 从人口到金融:过去20年房地产价格涨...

Huatai macro thematic depth look at how the Chinese real estate price bubble? - Continue to increase the leverage of household sector way feasible? Huatai Huatai Macro Macro Research (Zhang Jing Wang Yupeng Zhu Xun Hou Jinyu Song Xuetao) Investment Highlights from the population to finance: Over the past 20 years, real estate prices have gone up ...