新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福州加快建设国家级新区 市委书记念“四字经”

福州加快建设国家级新区 市委书记念“四字经”

Fuzhou to accelerate the construction of national new party secretary read "four words"

2015-11-18 20:37:19来源: 中国新闻网

中新社福州11月18日电 (闫旭)“十三五”期间福州将坚持把福州新区作为主攻方向,全力打造带动区域发展的新引擎。这是18日举行的福州市委十届十一次全会传递出的信息。 是次全会上,福州市委书记杨岳...

China News Network News Agency, Fuzhou, November 18 (Yan Xu) 45 during Fuzhou will adhere to the District of Fuzhou as the main direction, efforts to build regional development of the new engine driven. This is held on the ten day of the Fuzhou municipal Party committee and the eleven session of the 18 pass out of the information. Is the second plenary session, the Fuzhou municipal Party committee secretary Yang Yue...