新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最新手机报告:安卓用户换安卓首选小米


The latest mobile phone report: android users preferred millet in android

2016-04-07 23:37:09来源: 天极网

【天极网IT新闻频道】今日,新浪微博发表了《2015智能手机微报告》显示,iPhone用户换机首选iPhone,而安卓用户换安卓机首选小米。 根据图表可以看出,相比2014年,2015年安卓用户换机选择iPhone和三星的比例大幅下降,分别减少6%和5%,而国产手机异军突起,其中小米...

Today, yesky IT news channel 】 【 sina weibo published the 2015 smartphone micro report shows that iPhone users preferred replacement iPhone, and android users preferred millet in android machine. According to the graph can be seen that, compared with 2014, 2015 android user replacement choose iPhone and samsung have fallen sharply, the proportion of reduced 6% and 5% respectively, and the domestic mobile phone industry, including millet...

标签: 安卓