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三星Galaxy S7首销日 第一手数据公布

Samsung Galaxy S7 first day first-hand sales data released

2016-03-18 18:11:43来源: 手机之家

三星S7今日正式首销,目前通过京东得到消息。在京东的5天预订中,突破了600万。开创了2016高端手机的预订记录。同时荷兰昨天也给出一个数据进行参考,Galaxy S7的预约量是去年S6的2.5倍。...

Samsung today officially S7 first sales, Jingdong currently get the message through. Jingdong five days reservation, breaking 600 million. 2016 created a high-end phone bookings. Yesterday, while the Netherlands is also given a data reference, Galaxy S7 reservation amount is 2.5 times last year's S6. ...

标签: 三星