新关注 > 信息聚合 > 行货热卖 华为荣耀7全网通南宁报2599元

行货热卖 华为荣耀7全网通南宁报2599元

HUAWEI glory 7 licensed full Netcom reported 2599 yuan in Nanning

2016-02-25 19:50:22来源: 中关村在线

【广西IT前线02月25日报道】华为 荣耀7这款手机比较大的亮点就在于其配备了一颗创新型的智灵键,其不仅可以通过长按进入语音控制系统,快速便捷的操作手机,同时还可以通过单击和双击进入不同的应用程序,...

[Guangxi it frontline on February 25, reported highlights the Huawei honor 7 this phone is which is equipped with a single innovative intellectual spirit bond, which can not only by long press to enter the voice control system, fast and convenient operation for the mobile phone. At the same time, it can through the click and double-click into the different applications,...