新关注 > 信息聚合 > iPhone 7 的处理器芯片或由台积电独家提供

iPhone 7 的处理器芯片或由台积电独家提供

iPhone 7 processor chip or provided by TSMC exclusive

2016-02-11 23:49:44来源: 中金在线

根据来自《电子时报》的最新消息指出,台湾半导体生产公司台积电已经和苹果达成了协议,台积电将会成为 iPhone 7 处理器芯片的唯一生产商。 台积电和三星分享了 iPhone 6s 和 iPho...

According to the latest news from the "Electronic Times" pointed out that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company TSMC and Apple have reached an agreement, TSMC will be the only manufacturer of iPhone 7 processor chip. TSMC and Samsung share the iPhone 6s and iPho ...