新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郜林:进球有点晚在恒大开心 想为球队贡献更多

郜林:进球有点晚在恒大开心 想为球队贡献更多

Gao Lin: the goal is a little bit late in Hengda happy to contribute more to the team

2016-04-10 00:11:39来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 徐江 4月8日 报道)北京时间4月9日,中超联赛焦点之战开打,北京国安在主场以0-3不敌广州恒大。本场比赛恒大本土球员郜林为球队首开纪录,谈到进球郜林说,进球来的有些晚。 谈到自己的...

(Sohu sports Xujiang reported on April 8) Beijing time on April 9, Super League is the focus of the war of1812, Beijing Guoan at home to 0-3 defeat to Guangzhou Evergrande. The game Hengda players Gao Lin opened the scoring for the team, scoring on Gao Lin said that some of the goals come late. Talk about their own...