新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北邯郸市成功处理一起涉外消费投诉


Hebei Handan city successfully treated with foreign consumer complaints

2015-06-29 01:12:13来源: 和讯网

王翔翥 本报记者 李建 近日,远在大洋彼岸的澳大利亚华侨孙女士和崔先生,专程从澳大利亚返乡,将一面写有“维权无国籍、消协有真情”的锦旗送到河北省邯郸市工商局副局长李杰民和市消费者协会秘书长李文良...

Wang Xiangzhu reporter Li Jian recently, far across the Atlantic in Australia and overseas Chinese Ms. sun and Mr. Cui, flew from Australia to return home, the side write "stateless rights, the association has sent to the banner of truth", Handan City, Hebei Province, the trade and Industry Bureau, deputy director Li and City Consumers Association Secretary Long Li Wenliang...