新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亲加须泽中:需求催生市场 将发力O2O领域

亲加须泽中:需求催生市场 将发力O2O领域

Pro Kazo Ze: market demand birth will force o2o domain

2015-06-19 16:12:44来源: 大河网

【环球科技报道 记者 心月】6月18日,夏季世界O2O博览会在京召开。亲加通讯云作为国内领先的云通讯服务提供商也参加了此次大会。环球网科技记者在会上采访到了亲加通讯云CEO须泽中,他表示,通信云3....

[global technology Herald reporter heart month] June 18, summer o2o World Expo in Beijing held. Pro Plus communications cloud as the leading cloud communications service providers also participated in the conference. Global network technology reporter at the meeting to the Pro Plus communications cloud CEO to be Ze, he said, communications cloud 3...