新关注 > 信息聚合 > 造梦OL追猎神兽之魂攻略 副本打法详解

造梦OL追猎神兽之魂攻略 副本打法详解

The soul of dreaming OL hunting god beast strategy Copy of the play,

2015-07-23 21:13:51来源: 4399

我们期待已久的造梦OL又更新啦,这次迎来的是我们期待已久的——玄武大帝!——然而并没有什么卵用 ~ 比较坑的就是新副本——追猎神兽之魂!对于新手来说比较难打,所以,我暂时还没研究出平民怎么打,所...

Our long-awaited dreaming OL update again, this time in our long-awaited - the xuanwu emperor! - but there is no comparison with the pit is the soul of a new copy - hunting god beast! Are difficult for beginners to play, so, I temporarily haven't study how to play the civilians, the...