新关注 > 信息聚合 > 协和首创早期股骨头坏死综合疗法 疗效优良率达到..

协和首创早期股骨头坏死综合疗法 疗效优良率达到..

Union initiated early avascular necrosis of the femoral head combined therapy effective rate reached..

2015-04-20 23:29:52来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(记者徐芳 通讯员黄冬香、涂晓晨、张玮)4月20日,记者从武汉协和医院了解到,该院骨科首创治疗早期股骨头坏死的新技术,是国际上首次运用成骨支架和诱导因子治疗股骨头坏死,疗效优良率达到85%...

Jingchu net news (reporter Xu Fang correspondent Huang Dongxiang, Tu Xiaochen, Zhang Wei) April 20th, the reporter learned from the Wuhan Union Hospital, the hospital department of orthopedics, pioneering a new technique for the treatment of early avascular necrosis of the femoral head, is the first use of bone scaffold and induced factors in the treatment of femoral bone necrosis, the excellent and good rate reached 85%...