新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水花兄弟52分勇士10连胜 格里芬40+12难救快船

水花兄弟52分勇士10连胜 格里芬40+12难救快船

April 1 spray brothers 52 warriors 10 game winning streak Griffin 40+12 put out the Clippers

2015-04-01 14:05:54来源: 华体网

北京时间4月1日,勇士客场以110-106击败快船,迎来10连胜,同时本赛季对阵快船3胜1负。水花兄弟本场联手砍下了52分,格里芬轰下40分12篮板的两双。 四节比分直播(勇士队在前):18-3...

Beijing time, the road warriors 110-106 to beat the clippers, ushered in the 10 game winning streak, and at the same time this season against the Los Angeles Clippers 3 wins 1 negative. The splash brothers jointly scored 52 points, Griffin scored 40 points and 12 rebounds. The score of four live (the warriors in front): 18-3...