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V版三星Galaxy S6&S6 edge获更新推送

V version of the Samsung S6&S6 edge Galaxy was updated to push

2015-06-03 17:21:07来源: dospy智能手机网

Dospy获悉,Verizon将为其定制版三星Galaxy S6 & S6 edge发布更新推送,这也是该机自发布以来的首次更新。新固件的版本号为VVRU1AOD5,包括一些新增的实用功能,其一是允...

dospy was informed that Verizon will be its customized version of the Samsung S6 S6 & edge Galaxy release update push, which is the first time since the release of the aircraft to update. The new firmware version number is VVRU1AOD5, including some of the new practical features, the first is to allow...

标签: 三星