新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广东博罗警方捣毁生产假名牌手机点 涉案3000万

广东博罗警方捣毁生产假名牌手机点 涉案3000万

Guangdong Boluo police busted Sina

2014-12-16 17:32:54来源: 新浪

图为被警方缴获的部分假苹果6、三星S4等手机 严初 摄 被警方查封的涉嫌制假手机窝点 严初 摄 中新网惠州12月16日电(严初 张志新 李琴)记者16日从广东惠州市博罗县公安局获悉,近日,博罗...

production of fake brand-name mobile phone involved is seized by police part of the fake Apple 6, Samsung S4 phone Yan early photo police seized suspected counterfeit mobile phone strict dens early photo Huizhou December 16 (GE Yan Zhang Zhixin Li Qin) reporter 16 from Guangdong, BOLUO County, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau was informed that, recently, BOLUO...