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QQ物联携手联通发布“沃·QQ物联卡” 助力物联网..

QQ linked together Unicom announced "fertile QQ physical contact card" on 21 power IOT..

2015-05-21 19:26:29来源: TechWeb

5月21日,由腾讯QQ物联和联通共同举办的“物联网创新合作大会”在深圳举行,会议正式推出了 “沃·QQ物联卡”。据了解,该卡由腾讯QQ物联、联通携手打造,针对智能硬件及物联网行业,通过 “通信模组+...

5 month, from a combination of Tencent QQ Unicom jointly organized the "Networking Innovation Cooperation Conference" held in Shenzhen, the meeting was officially launched the "fertile QQ physical contact card". It is understood, the card by Tencent QQ, Unicom to work together to create, for intelligent hardware and physical networking industry, through the communication module +...

标签: 物联网