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半场-哈维尔破门伊沃点杀 建业主场暂2-0申鑫

Half - Javier broke Ivo point Kill Jianye home temporarily 2-0 Shen Xin

2015-06-20 21:52:05来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间6月20日晚上19点45分,中超联赛第14轮重燃战火,河南建业队在郑州航海体育场迎战上海申鑫,上半场建业第11分钟由哈维尔打破僵局,随后伊沃命中点球,建业2-0暂时领先申鑫。 ...

sina sports news Beijing time on June 20th night nineteen forty-five, the Super League the 14th round to rekindle the flames, Henan Jianye team in Zhengzhou hanghai Stadium against Shanghai Shen Xin, half the APB 11 minutes by the Kazakh Vail to break the deadlock, then Ivo hit penalty, Jianye 2-0 temporarily leading Shen Xin. ...