新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天将雄师》两天收获两亿 口碑与票房并列前茅

《天将雄师》两天收获两亿 口碑与票房并列前茅

"The lion" day two days to harvest two hundred million word-of-mouth box office in parallel with vanguard

2015-02-22 17:39:30来源: 中国新闻网

本报讯 (记者丁晓晨)成龙最新贺岁巨制《天将雄师》上映第二天继续以超过23%的排片率遥遥领先,并以两天总票房近2亿元的成绩遥遥领先春节档。 《天将雄师》公映第一天便收入票房1.16亿,这一成绩创...

report from our correspondent (reporter Ding Xiaochen) the latest Jackie Chan celebrate the New Year blockbuster "days will be lion" released second days continue to more than 23% row of piece rate be way ahead, and in two days the total box office nearly 200000000 yuan achievement file be way ahead of spring festival. "The lion" day release the first day he grossed 116000000, this record...