新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年起甘肃省中等职业教育将全部免除学费


2015 Gansu Province, secondary vocational education will be fully exempted from tuition fees

2015-03-26 09:41:34来源: 甘肃快讯

今年起,我省将深化职业教育考试招生制度改革,全省中等职业教育全部免除学费 央广网兰州3月26日消息 从2015年起,我省将深化职业教育考试招生制度改革,逐步打通中职、高职、本科到研究生教育的上升...

Starting this year, the province will deepen the reform of vocational education enrollment examination system, the province's secondary vocational education exemption of all tuition CNR network Lanzhou March 26 news from 2015, the province will deepen the reform of vocational education examination and enrollment system, and gradually open up the vocational, vocational, undergraduate to graduate education rise ...