新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年底山东17市实现全光网城市 4G网络连续覆盖

2015年底山东17市实现全光网城市 4G网络连续覆盖

17 city, Shandong by the end of 2015 to achieve all-optical network city 4G network continuous coverage

2015-05-18 08:53:38来源: 水母网

今天上午,山东省通信管理局党组成员、纪检组长王静及相关负责同志做客《阳光政务热线》,就山东省通信行业的有关热点问题与广大网友听众在线交流。 提速降费:山东推动光网改造 加快“宽带山东”建设 近...

today morning, Shandong Provincial Communications Administration of Party members, the discipline inspection team leader Wang Jing and relevant responsible comrades guest "sunshine government hotline", communications industry in Shandong Province on the hot issues and broad netizen audience online communication. Speed drop charges: Shandong to promote "broadband optical network accelerate the transformation of Shandong" construction in the past...