新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自主招生考试难度大 参加中科大的考生:物理基本..

自主招生考试难度大 参加中科大的考生:物理基本..

Independent recruitment of students test difficulty big in science examinee: physical basic..

2015-06-11 20:30:25来源: 大众网

央广网北京6月11日消息(记者王楷 满朝旭)据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,虽然高考已经结束,但是从昨天起到22号是各高校自主招生的日子,为了进入心仪的高校,很多考生赶完大考之后赶小考。考生反映,自...

CNR network Beijing June 11 message (reporter Wang Kai Zhaoxu) according to voice of China "national network news" reported, although the college entrance examination has ended, but since yesterday to 22 the 1st is a day of the autonomous enrollment of colleges and universities, in order to enter your favorite college, many students finish exams after catch quiz. Candidates reflect, since...