新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江华刘德华晒合影获赞不老男神 经典老照片回顾

江华刘德华晒合影获赞不老男神 经典老照片回顾

Andy Lau Jianghua Sun Photo won praise not old classic photos of the old man of God review recently

2015-08-29 09:36:33来源: 河北新闻网

近日,老戏骨江华在网上晒出一张和刘德华的合影,从照片中看上去两人依然帅气十足,根本不像年过五十的男人。网友则纷纷点赞,称江华刘德华是真正的不老男神。 其实在娱乐圈有很多明星都曾有过惊艳合影,有些...

and old play bone Jianghua online drying out a and Andy Lau's photo, from the photos look two people still full of handsome, not in 50 men. Users are point of praise, said Andy Lau Jiang Hua is a real not old man. In fact, there are many stars in the entertainment industry has been a stunning photo, some...