新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江湖州:让每个孩子沐浴义务教育均衡的阳光


Huzhou in Zhejiang Province: let every child bath compulsory education balanced sunshine

2015-04-02 19:41:29来源: 中国教育新闻网

让每个孩子沐浴教育均衡的阳光 ——湖州市实现国家义务教育发展基本均衡县区全覆盖 浙江省湖州市人民政府 教育资源均衡配置是城乡适龄儿童少年公平接受良好义务教育的前提。近年来,湖州市政府高度...

let every child bath education balanced sunshine, Huzhou City for compulsory education development balanced counties covering the whole Zhejiang Province People's Government of Huzhou municipality of balanced allocation of educational resources is urban and rural school-age children and adolescents fair access to the premise of the compulsory education of good. In recent years, Huzhou municipal government...