新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015长沙省考院长定制协议02班(12天12晚)开课通知


2015 province of Changsha exam Dean custom protocol class 02 (12 days late 12) commencement notice

2015-05-27 21:19:20来源: 中公教育网

湖南中公教育:2015长沙省考院长定制协议02班(12天12晚)开课通知 【课程安排】 上课时间:5月30日-6月11日 课程内容:理论+模拟 ● 全面掌握面试理论知识,了解面试基本形式 ...

the public education network of Hunan public education: 2015 province of Changsha exam Dean custom protocol class 02 (12 days 12) late commencement notice [curriculum] class time: May 30 to June 11, curriculum content: Theory and simulation] to fully grasp the theoretical knowledge of the interview, understand the basic form of the interview.