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阮经天看秀技痒想登台 自曝男神是金城武

See Ethan show itched to have a go to stage self exposure men of God is Ethan Takeshi Kaneshiro

2015-01-21 09:08:40来源: 东北网

以模特儿身分出道的阮经天,前天(1月19日)在米兰看时装秀时“技痒”难耐,好想再踏天桥。 金城武原来是阮经天心目中的真正男神。 阮经天与Giorgio Armani握手合照,感觉兴奋又满足。...

in order to model the identity of debut, the day before yesterday (January 19) in Milan see fashion show "itched to have a go" intolerable, want to tread the flyover. Kaneshiro Takeshi was the real God of Ethan Ruan's mind. Ethan Ruan and Giorgio Armani shaking hands, feeling excited and satisfied. ...