新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绿茵场的战场 《狂野足球》打造我的球队

绿茵场的战场 《狂野足球》打造我的球队

Battlefield of the pitch of the wild soccer "to build my team

2015-06-13 19:14:54来源: 07073游戏网

绿茵场上的战场 360《狂野足球》打造我的球队 360uu《狂野足球》,一款集合了经营、养成与策略竞技与一天的足球类网页游戏,在这里,玩家们招募自己喜爱的球星,建设自己的球队,与无数玩家在网页上展开同场竞技,全新的球星养成计划,让你亲身培养每一位崇拜已久的明星,梅西、C罗尽入队中,下...

green field on the battlefield 360 the wild soccer" to build my team 360uu the wild soccer ", a set operations and develop with the strategy of sports and a day of football game category pages, in here, the players recruited their favorite star, his team construction, and many players on the page start with field athletics, new players develop a plan, let you personally training every worship has long been the star and Lionel Messi, c Luo as enqueue in and...