新关注 > 信息聚合 > 合肥工业大学在LED荧光材料研究方面取得重要进展


Hefei University of technology in the LED luminescent materials of made important progress

2015-08-04 12:28:41来源: 参考消息

中新网合肥8月4日电 (周慧吴兰)记者4日从合肥工业大学获悉,该校科研人员在LED荧光材料研究方面取得重要进展,成果刊登于英国《自然》系刊《科学报告》上。 大功率LED器件广泛应用于家庭及户外公共照明,然而,LED照明光源在长时间使用时,会出现亮度变暗并发生颜色漂移问题。近日,合肥工业...

Hefei August 4 - (Hui Wulan) reporters learned from Hefei Industrial University 4. The school scientific research personnel in the LED luminescent materials of made important progress, published in the proceedings of the British "nature", "scientific reports,. High power LED devices are widely used in home and outdoor public lighting, however, LED lighting source is used in a long time, the brightness of the light and color drift occurs. Recently, Hefei industry...