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保护端砚创作 申请著作权登记证

Duan creation of protection for copyright registration certificate

2015-06-21 06:15:07来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 端砚佳作《双龙》砚已经申请了《作品著作权登记证》。《登记证》明确表明著作权人对自己的作品依法享有发表权、署名权、保护作品完整权、复制权、发行权、出租权、展览权等16项权利,保护期50年。他...

[Abstract] Duanyan masterpiece, "Ssangyong" inkstone has applied for the registration certificate of the copyright of the works. "Registration certificate" made it clear that copyright on their works shall enjoy: right, right of authorship, the right to protect the integrity of the work, right of reproduction, distribution right, rental right, the right of exhibition and other 16 rights, protection period of 50 years. He...