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App Store新增专为新iPhone适配应用专区

The new App Store for the new iPhone adaptation application area

2014-09-19 21:54:31来源: 中金在线

威锋网讯,有不少用户不禁会问,新发布的两款大屏iPhone,屏幕增大了,应用要怎么适配。目前从一些用户拿到新机后发现的情况来看,应用基本是等比放大适配,也有少数应用出现了无法全屏显示的情况。 而...

Weifeng network, many users can not help but ask, newly released two large screen iPhone, the screen is increased, the application should how adaptation. At present, some users get the new machine from the discovery after the situation, the application of basic is the geometric amplification and adaptation, there are a few applications appear to full screen display case. While...

标签: APP