新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海西州召开高原枸杞 酵素成果品鉴会

海西州召开高原枸杞 酵素成果品鉴会

Haixi Prefecture held plateau wolfberry enzyme results tasting will be

2015-06-16 17:31:23来源: 大河网

青海新闻网讯 6月15日,海西州在西宁召开青海华牛生物科技有限公司高原枸杞酵素成果品鉴会。省林业厅副厅长王新凯、省质量技术监督局副局长李俊出席会议,副州长孟海及省、州相关部门负责同志与中国工程院院士...

Qinghai News Network News June 15, Haixi Prefecture in Xining held Qinghai China cattle Biological Technology Co., Ltd. plateau wolfberry enzyme results tasting will. Deputy director of the Provincial Forestry Department Wang Xinkai, deputy director of the Provincial Bureau of quality and technical supervision Li Jun attended the meeting, vice governor Meng Hai and provincial and state departments responsible comrades and Chinese Academy of Engineering...