新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网友曾深扒王思聪“后宫团” 张予曦被指最受宠

网友曾深扒王思聪“后宫团” 张予曦被指最受宠

Netizens have deep grilled Wang Sicong "harem group" Zhang Yuxi was the most favored

2014-12-20 18:41:39来源: 中国青年网

网易娱乐12月20日报道 今日,“国民老公”王思聪低调出席了万达武汉电影乐园开业及汉秀首演发布会,一神秘妙龄女郎跟在王思聪身后入场,大家纷纷猜测此女郎疑似王思聪正牌女友。随后,便有网友爆料该女子正是...

NetEase entertainment December 20th report today, "national husband" Wang Sicong low-key attended Wanda Wuhan movie theme park opened in Han and show premiere conference, a mysterious young girl in Wang Si with behind Cong admission, speculation that this girl suspected Wang Sicong girlfriend. Then, we have friends bid the woman is...