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希伯特兑现诺言却独木难支 爵士双塔让人眼馋

Hibbert cash promise but dumunanzhi Jazz towers let people envious

2015-10-05 12:41:11来源: 新浪

希伯特和戈伯特抢位 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月5日,NBA季前赛中,洛杉矶湖人在主场以71-90不敌犹他爵士,输掉季前赛首战。湖人中锋罗伊-希伯特出战21分钟,5投1中得到3分10篮板1助攻1封...

Hilbert Huang transform (HHT) and Gobert scramble of sina sports news Beijing standard time on October 5th, NBA preseason games, the Los Angeles Lakers at home lost 71 to 90 to the Utah Jazz, losing in the preseason opener. Lakers center Roy - Hibbert played 21 minutes, 5 in 1 to get 3 points and 10 rebounds and 1 assists 1...