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Exploring summer night elves

2015-07-27 16:39:45来源: 南方网

眼下正值炎热的暑期,“奇妙夜观”活动正在华南植物园“上映”。由夜观老师带领着10多名小学生及其家长,在夜里的树林、草丛、池塘边观察白天难得一见的夜行性动物。 “自然似乎很‘近’,又似乎很‘远’”...

now coincides with the hot summer in the South China Botanical Garden, "wonderful night" activities are the South China Botanical Garden "release". The night view of teachers lead more than 10 students and their parents. In the night of the trees, grass, the pond observation daytime the rare sight of nocturnal animals. "Nature seems to be very 'close', and it seems very 'far'"...