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玩家肺腑之言 在忠实与离开之间矛盾着

Game player in the faithful and leave words from the bottom of the heart a contradiction between

2016-05-05 20:10:35来源: 多玩游戏

开始前先做个自我介绍,本人是忠实的诛仙粉!! 忠实和离开是矛盾体,先说忠实吧; 忠实:我应该是06年底接触的诛仙小说(那时候已经在武警部队当兵了),连续看了两遍!之后每隔大半年都会重温一遍,0...

First introduce myself before the start, I am loyal Zhu Xian powder!! Faithful and leave is contradictory, first said faithfully.; faithful: should I is at the end of 2006, contact of kill celestial being novel (at that time already in the armed forces of the army), read two times in a row! After every second half of the year will review it again, 0...