新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆对外投资合同额连续5个月成倍增长


Chongqing foreign investment contract amount continuous 5 months grow exponentially

2015-09-30 20:34:57来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 记者今(30)日从重庆市外经贸委获悉, 1-8月,我市对外合同投资新核准境外项目63个,对外投资合同额9.2亿美元,增长267.3%,连续5个月保持成倍增速。 华龙网9月30日19时4...

[Abstract] reporters today (30), from the Chongqing Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade Committee was informed that, from January to August, 63, foreign contract approval of new investment projects overseas, foreign investment contracts amounted to 9.2 billion US dollars, growth 267.3%, for five consecutive months keep exponentially growth. Hualong net 19 in September 30th 4...