新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘国梁:拯救大兵张继科 里约已很近形势严峻

刘国梁:拯救大兵张继科 里约已很近形势严峻

Liu Guoliang: save the soldier Zhang Jike Rio has been very recent situation is grim

2015-11-27 14:31:27来源: 网易

网易体育11月27日报道: 北京时间11月27日,据央视体育频道报道,中国乒乓球队目前正在北京集结训练。针对男单主力、大满贯球员张继科近半年来连续输掉五场外战的情况,中国队总教练刘国梁详细谈了队里目前采取的积极应对措施。刘国梁透露,国乒教练组通过庞大的数据统计帮助张继科找问题,并希望能...

Netease sports November 27 reported: Beijing time on November 27, CCTV sports channel, according to reports, the Chinese table tennis team currently in Beijing massed training. For men's singles main, the Grand Slam player Zhang Jike nearly half a year to continuous lost five battle outside field, Chinese team head coach Liu Guoliang detail about the team is currently taking positive measures to cope with. Liu Guoliang said, Ping coaches helped Zhang Jike to find statistical problems through large data, and hope to...