新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球限量版XC90高新佳豪沃尔沃车主交车仪式


Global Limited Edition XC90 high Xinjia luxury Volvo owners pay ceremony

2015-06-23 18:35:54来源: 爱卡汽车网

6月23日,陕西佳豪沃尔沃4S店举办全新XC90限量版车主交车仪式,同时也是西北首家交付全新XC90限量版的4S店。 作为VOLVO精心打造的旗舰级全能豪华SUV,全新XC90采用了新一代的设计...

6 month 23, Shaanxi Jia Hao Volvo 4S shop held new XC90 limited edition owner car delivery ceremony, also is the Northwest's first delivery limited edition of the new XC90 4S shop. As the VOLVO's flagship level of a well built SUV, the new XC90 uses a new generation of design...