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意料之外 魔幻英雄第一美女居然是她

Unexpected magical heroes first beauty is actually her

2015-05-19 05:41:05来源: 新浪

由美国三大MOBA研发商之一S2 Games倾力研发、中国精品游戏发行商欢聚游戏独家代理的2015团战MOBA网游《魔幻英雄》此前结束了技术封测,不少MOBA玩家表示时间太短,玩得不够尽兴,希望能尽快迎来公测!在众多硬汉、萌妹的美式画风中,你最看好的第一美女是谁?玛雅女士?还是花木兰?不...

by the three major U.S. MoBa developers of S2 games effort to research and development, Chinese boutique game publisher games exclusive agent of 2015 battle group MoBa online "magical heroes gather" prior to the end of the IC packaging and testing technology, many of MoBa internationally said time is too short, play enough fun, hope will soon usher in beta! In many American style tough, adorable sister, who is the first beauty you favorite? MS Maya? Or Mulan? No...