新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滑雪产业有望迎来黄金十年 大众消费是发展重点

滑雪产业有望迎来黄金十年 大众消费是发展重点

The ski industry is expected to usher in a golden decade of public consumption is the first year of focus on the development

2015-09-12 16:30:49来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京9月12日电(汤琪) “今年可以说是滑雪产业的元年,滑雪产业的发展进入新的阶段。”这是北京休闲体育协会主席田长波在10日的第十届北京滑雪产业高峰论坛上所说的。昨天,这场为期两天的高峰论坛正...

new net Beijing, September 12 (Tang Qi) "this year can be said is the ski industry, development of ski industry entered the new stage." This is the Beijing Leisure Sports Association President Tian Changbo at the tenth session of the 10 session of the Beijing ski industry summit forum. Yesterday, the two day of the summit forum...