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借Facebook 之名创业?等着被扎克伯格告吧你!

Facebook by the name of entrepreneurship? Waiting to be told by Zuckerberg.! Original dry

2015-06-13 18:15:18来源: Tech2IPO

创见干货:在过去的 5 年里,Facebook 向 100 家创业公司提出了商标侵权的异议,也有不少进入了法律诉讼环节。难道品牌里带“book”就算侵权?还是有的创业公司别有用心,想沾 Facebo...

: in the past five years, Facebook to 100 entrepreneurial company put forward the objection of trademark infringement, there are many in the legal aspects. Is the brand with "book" even infringement? Or some Venture Company have an ulterior motive, Xiangzhan Facebo...